This week's podcast is a territory many people don't want to dive into because it can be awkward, too contemplative, time consuming and basically uncomfortable. There is no right or wrong, just avenues to take to help reframe, focus, relax, contemplate, heal and find peace. Can it be simple - Yes; can it be complex - Yes.
Spirituality is a personal journey to your contentment, your acceptance and your self-love. No one else can tell you how to feel or not feel. If you believe in God or a higher power, then use that. If you don't - that's ok too. We all have inner baggage that needs to be unpacked. So how do you do this? With practice and patience. Also know that it is part of your life, not a band aid to ripped off where you think - "whew - I'm all better now".
I mentioned my favorite authors and books that have guided me -
Brene Brown - Gifts of Imperfection,
Mel Robbins - The High Five Habit
Thema Bryant, PhD - The Homecoming
Don Miguel Ruiz - The FOUR Agreements
The other tools that I find useful are:
Breath work
Listening to music and walking
Cold shower or plunge
Social Media Breaks
Giving Back
For those of us 50 and older, it is a new territory to explore because let's face it, most of our parents were not working on breathing exercises and meditation. I hope this information will add to your health and wellness journey.